Knees And Driving When Driving, Is It Safer To Steer With One Knee Or Both Knees?

When driving, is it safer to steer with one knee or both knees? - knees and driving

if your driving and cell phone dial-up with his left hand and holding a cup of coffee with my right hand, run with one or both knees?


bigbird said...

plays a protective role of the knee with 2, much easier to repair the car so

bigbird said...

plays a protective role of the knee with 2, much easier to repair the car so

Todd said...

What happens with both hands instead of your knees?


Tom-SJ said...

You must use a handsfree mobile phone and a hat to change the beer for their coffee. This leaves one hand free for the donut and the other at the helm.

kiwanis7... said...

.... or use the good. keep coffee between their knees and eat with your right hand

don_anto... said...

Of course, a joke. You do not need to use your cell phone or drink coffee while driving. Use both hands to his knees. W hen you really do that, then I hope to be paid to your health and car insurance and you do not live near me.

G T said...

He placed the column tube and passing cars!

Zach said...

I use a knee, but that's just my head when I'm

Kiffin # 1 said...

God ... I hope and I do not believe? "If so, tell me where you are going, so make sure you stay away from the vicinity and good luck!

Dick Faber said...

you're a turkey!
begins to run before you kill someone, asshole

UCANTCME said...

Try to use your hands and no longer use cell phones.

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