N95 N Gageserials I Need A Step Guide To Putting Movies On A Nokia N95..Any Wizz Guys N Gals Out There?

I need a step guide to putting movies on a Nokia N95..Any wizz guys n gals out there? - n95 n gageserials

1. PocketDivXEncoder free download and install on your PC: http://www.pocketdivxencoder.net/

2. DivXPlayer download and install (on your phone Note: If u get expired certificate errors during installation, as Reverse Phone heart of 6 months, if not, then 12 months, but make sure that the investment on the day u, otherwise there will be another mistake.) ..
http://mosh.nokia.com/content/3E924648E8 ...

3. Open application PocketDivXEncoder if the type of called to choose PDA.

4. Check the movie file you encode FILE SECTION.

5. Press the ENCODE Now it can transform and save the new file management arccoding output file.

6. Use ur data cable to transfer. Avi on the phone anywhere (on the memory card)

7. Run application on the phone and DivX option list update SELECT ..

8. Select the movie file and press play ..

Note: The file will be severe (approximately 400-800 + MB), but the quality is .. awusm



Vorhees a jolly good fellow said...

Most mobile phones will play 3GP to. I know that the Nokia N95, because I will have one.

What should I do to put the movies you want to play in a 3GP file.

Platotal I use to convert files and works well. I paid, but I've only downloaded a trial version converter Xilsoft, just Google.

When you convert files to 3gp, save to memory card can play!

irish@wo... said...

its simple, just a video or a movie on your Bluetooth mobile phone

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