Tongue Ulcers More Condition_symptoms How Can I Get Rid Of Tongue Ulcers?

How can i get rid of tongue ulcers? - tongue ulcers more condition_symptoms

I have two ulcers in the language that bothers me so much ... I can eat my favorite dish ... do not speak for everyone either ... You know what I can for better from ulcers?


bluestem... said...

Cancer sores usually without treatment within 1-2 weeks to heal. Good oral hygiene must be maintained, and spicy / acidic / salty foods and drinks should be avoided because they irritate existing ulcers May.

The pain may be with different pain-relieving gels like Anbesol, Bonjela, Campho-phenol, Orabase B, or treated Zilactin Kanka, available in pharmacies. Some claim that these gels also accelerate the healing of their ulcers.

A dental laser (Waterlase than one) can be used to treat ulcers apthous. Immediate and lasting pain relief is achieved and the ulcer healed in a few days.

With a hydrogen peroxide antiseptic mouthwash can significantly reduce the pain caused by irritation from dirt and bacteria in an ulcer which the complications caused by their presence gain associated reduced. This treatment is often drug companies such as Colgate, whose product is called peroxyl. The dilution of 3% food grade hydrogen peroxide (commonly available in pharmacies) with equal parts water can also be more efficient and less costly.

Another source is the alleged use of oral steroids prescription Dexaltin paste (dexamethasone 1 mg / g). Triamcinolone acetonide dental paste can be very effective, the steroid reduces the immune response in the vicinity of the ulcer. It is available only by prescription.

A recent study by Oral-B products Amosa suggests that the anaerobic bacteria, as they can decrease found in oral lesions. The study did not demonstrate efficacy in the treatment of mouth ulcers.

Gr8 F8 said...

is unpleasant, but it works, hydrogen peroxide, the rumor around the mouth and spat

ginnyann... said...

I have an anti-acid and bounced a few times a day.

dbrewer1... said...

Typically resolves within 2 weeks or so, quite naturally.

RBRN said...

It depends on what causes these "wounds".

RBRN said...

It depends on what causes these "wounds".

Loopyman... said...

With scissors

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